15 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Week 10: A Different Quest For The Crest Training Log

By admin

When Sunday rolls around, we’ll be 2 weeks out from race day! I can’t believe it.

Raise your hand if you’re tired of me talking about this race? Don’t worry, as excited as I am for the race, I’m also ready for it to be over. Training has consumed me (as seen on this blog).

What I really can’t believe is that I only have 1 real week of training. The week before the race, Dan and I plan to rest our legs (taper) and spend the week doing yoga and getting a massage (well, that’s my plan at least!).

I mentioned last week that my training log would look significantly different after Dan did his training run on the course and had the opportunity to talk with more experienced mountain goats on how to prep.

We had it all wrong…

Quest For The Crest Week 10

I’m not going to list all of my individual workouts, but you can get a good feel for what I mean when I say “incline training” or “killer leg day” from my favorites.

  • Monday: Unexpected rest day: Traveled to NC for my grandmother’s funeral
  • Tuesday: Killer Leg Day + Kettlebells (see below)


  • Wednesday: Full Body Incline Workout & Mobility
  • Thursday: Killer Leg Day & Boot Camp


  • Friday: Rest Day At The Beach
  • Saturday: Incline Training
  • Sunday: Killer Incline Training


As for total weekly milage, I’m not tracking any longer. Each workout is a combination of running, climbing and strength. The only thing I am being really adamant about is getting at least 10,000 steps in each day.

Off To Blend

As for today, I jumped on a plane early this morning to head to Boulder, CO for the Blend Retreat. This is an awesome event where fellow bloggers (and non-bloggers) hang out. Bloggers + friends = blends.

I was fortunate enough to be asked by Gnarly to represent them at the retreat by sharing my love of the brand AND by coaching the boot camp which Gnarly is sponsoring!

I couldn’t be more excited to share my love of boot camp fitness with 100 amazing women who share a passion for fitness and healthy living. And boy, do I have a good one planned!

Make sure to keep up on Instagram as I’ll be sharing pictures from what is to be an epic weekend! I’ve never been to Colorado but have ALWAYS wanted to!

What state have you always wanted to visit?

Whip Six Feed

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