16 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Weekly Recap Before Headed To Siesta Key Florida

By admin

Today is crazy to say the least. I actually get to guest post twice in a row. Taylor is running around like a mad woman cleaning and semi-freaking out.

In typical Taylor fashion, check her out vacuuming the floor in plank style :)

Vacuum Plank Time

That carpet is like a magnet for Nike’s hair. It’s pretty crazy.

Tomorrow we are leaving for a family vacation in Siesta Key Florida. We’ve never been there before, but it should be fun. I am really excited to get to shoot pictures of fitness on the beach and do some cool things for the blog and Fit Women’s Weekly (which will launch soon).

Let’s Get Into The Weekly Recap:

Sunday – All Work With Tons Of Play And Setting New Records

Lots of Recipes To Taste Good

This week started off with a recap of Saturday. It was crazy cooking day for Taylor. She was making tons of meals so we could get some pictures for the future cookbook… and Fit Women’s Weekly as well.

You can also see how I, with Nike, built a photo box. Since then, we have gotten extra lights and now it takes some great pictures.

Oh yeah… Taylor also ran her farthest distance of 7.72 miles!

Click here to check out all the cooking fun.

Monday – How To Accept Your Body Even If It’s Not What You Want

Accepting Your Body

This post was a very motivational post by Taylor. She talks about how to accept your body when you may not think it’s where you want it.

She talked about when she was training for her figure competition. That was really tough because she was super irritable. I remember that well, not in a fond way.

Click here to read this great post.

Tuesday – Tea And Crumpets or Tea Crumpets: Recipe Earl Grey Vegan Cupcakes

Earl Grey Tea Recipe

This was really cool post revealing the cupcakes that are very interesting. They actually tasted really great and Taylor used earl grey tea in a way I never would have imagined.

You can also read about the three must follow rules when you’re dealing with desserts. Always great nutrition advice from Taylor that will really help you burn fat safely and for the longterm.

Click here to read this delicious post.

Wednesday – Five Reasons Your Psyching Yourself Out From Losing Weight

Fitness Mindset

This was a really great post all about the mental side of weight loss. I personally believe that this is the key to your success.

If you can get your mind right, it really makes following a workout program plus eating well a lot easier. Everything seems to fall into place when your mind is supporting everything you do.

This is a great post… my personal favorite of the week.

Click here to read and get your fitness mind right.

Thursday – The Great Goal Setting Hoax

Performance Goals

This post was my guest post about goals. I am thinking a lot about goals recently because we have Fit Women’s Weekly coming out soon. I really want it to be a success for Taylor and she is pouring everything she has into it. Just like this blog.

You can learn why setting performance goals is really the way to achieve the exact body you want. Plus they can help you accomplish a lot more in life as well.

Click here to read this post.

Are You Ready For On Location Healthy Blogging?

Siesta Key Florida Fitness Blogging

Tomorrow Taylor and I are going to wake up super early. First we are going to hit up the farmers market to pick up veggies for the week.

Then we hit the road for about 9 hours to get to Siesta Key. If you’ve been there or live there, what should we visit or do?

Taylor will definitely keep the blogging going strong and I hope to get some good videos filmed too.

What are your weekend plans?

Any requests for topics or any questions for Taylor for the coming week?

Whip Six Feed

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