08 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

What About Energy Supplements? {Bulu Box Review}

By admin

I have put off doing this review for quite a few weeks now. In fact, Dan called me while I was in Baltimore to tell me that this Bulu Box arrived at our doorstep.

First off, what is Bulu?

Bulu is a small company that is a monthly subscription. Each month a box arrives with different vitamin/supplement samples to try out. If you like something in the box you can then go over to their site and place an order.

It’s like you get to try on a dress and wear it for a week before committing to the purchase. Pretty cool concept, right!?

Because of that great idea, I did a review for the company last month and while there were some great products inside the box, it wasn’t something I was stoked about and even an item or two that I was disappointed with (see the review here).

So when Dan told me the box came, I wasn’t sure about doing it. So what changed my mind?

That same night, after Dan called me, I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt with “Bulu” written across the front. I made a comment about just getting my box, and asked how is he associated. Turns out it was Paul, the owner!

We talked about what I liked, what I didn’t, and what I would like to see change. He seems really interested in my thoughts and ideas and he reinforced the idea that the box will become more customizable.

For one, I told him I was a vegan… so 1/2 of the goodies I couldn’t use on a regular basis. He told me they were already on a track to make boxes customized for diet restrictions!

I walked away a bit more confident in Bulu Boxes and once I got home and checked out my new goodies, I decided I owed it to you (my gorgeous readers) to share!

This month’s box appears to be all about energy! I have enough energy goodies to run a marathon (but I won’t).

Bulu-Box Surprises

Hawaiian Coconut Energy

Coconut flavored hydration powder. It’s packed with electrolytes, antioxidants and vitamins to help create a natural energy boost without the feelings of caffeine jitters. Deliciousness! Anything coconut flavored is a plus for me.

Eight Ball Neuro Edge

This claims to give “mental focus”. It is loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Potassium and a bit of Sodium (120 mg, 5% DV). I’m not sure about helping me focus more, but with the vitamins and other ingredients it can definitely give a bit of an energy boost.

Athlete Octane Liquid Endurance Shot

According to the description the Athlete Octane shot’s “potent ingredients dramatically increase overall endurance, reduce recovery and soreness.” It’s suppose to be shot back before a workout. The label says it contains no artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors. And it’s gluten free. But it doesn’t list the ingredients or nutritional information. Boo. Lucky for me, I found it…


I am sure by now we’ve all heard of Raspberry ketones thanks to Dr. Oz. Am I a fan? Research shows it doesn’t do anything bad to you, do I think it will help burn off body fat? Ummm… no. Do I think it could be a great placebo… you betcha. The idea is that:

“Raspberry ketones curb the absorption of dietary fat and support lipolysis”.

Aka, suppose to help your body burn fat, and not hoard it.

Ola Loa Energy

Oh look ANOTHER energy sample. This is another powder that includes 90 minerals, amino acids, CoQ10 and Vitamin B12. It’s only 5 calories, so compared to the others it has the least amount.

Here’s the back panel.

That’s a ton of vitamins & minerals! They aren’t playing around when they say drink your vitamins. Anyone else prefer gummy vitamins? I am like a 4 year old… I love Flintstones!

My thoughts on energy drinks/shots/powders

I think that you should research before taking any thing: vitamins, protein powders and of course energy supplements. There is some support that taking powders before intense exercise can help you pump out just a few more reps or a few more miles, one being creatine, another being caffeine.

Currently, I am testing out FitMixer, an amino acid powder. I take a scoop before my workouts and runs. Because it’s all natural and just filled with amino acids (which makes up muscle), I feel comfortable giving it a go. I’ve only been using it for a week, so I am not quite ready to make any recommendations.

As for these, I am up for trying everything except for the energy shot. Not that it doesn’t seem fine, it’s just not me. It reminds me of the 5 Hour Energies and those I do not support what so ever. It’s probably not fair for me to toss it aside because of that, but sorry.

Bulu Box Overview

I still think that the Bulu box is a overall great idea… for the right person.

If you’re someone that is into trying to supplements, then it’s worth the $ 10/month to try out new things before investing in products. For me, I haven’t had anything yet that has really made me go… “oh I was thinking about trying that, I am so glad I got it!”

Not to mention that 1 little sample of certain items is not going to be enough to determine if it works for you. But for energy powders, bars, etc… it’s a go. Plus, I don’t believe in taking fat burners or any other “magic” pills/powders/shakes. To me it’s all about research, data and proof.

Once they make the boxes customizable then I think I will love them. If I could fill out a questionaire that says what I am looking for, what I don’t take, and what restrictions I have, then holy yes, what a great purchase!

There are so many different companies popping up right now with the same “sample” idea. There are purfume boxes, make-up boxes, kids toys, etc… would you ever sign up for a monthly box sample program?

You can find out more about Bulu here!

  • Do you take energy energy supplements? 
  • Have you tried a natural fat burner like Raspberry Ketones, Green tea, or Capsaicin? 
I was given the Bulu Box to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not paid by them to do this review.

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