27 October 2014 ~ 0 Comments

What Do Doughnuts, Deadlifts And Protein Have In Common? {Podcast}

By admin

Trust me… they do have a commonality! And one you’re going to love.

Remember a few weeks ago when I shared a post on why women should use protein power? I tried to cover a lot in that post but by the several emails and comments I received, I still left a lot of room for questions.

Questions that deserve answering.

So, I did something about it. I reached out to my friends at Gnarly (use code LIFTREV to get 20% off!), asking if they would like to come one LR and do a podcast covering protein basics, nutritional basics, and of course answering your questions.

Well, they did even better. One of their brand ambassadors Krissy Mae Cagney, and I were introduced and immediately scheduled a time to chat.

Before we jump right into the podcast, for those of you not familiar with Krissy, it’s probably important for me to introduce her.

Who Is Krissy Mae Cagney?

Marcello Rostagni Photography http://www.marcellorostagni.com 775-525-1499

There are not many trainers out there I look up to. Just being honest.

Krissy is not one of those. She is a strong woman in every sense of the word. Mentally strong, entrepreneurial strong, and yes, extremely physically strong.

After years of battling her own personal demons of drugs and alcohol, Missy emerged being more fit and more determined than ever. She is currently training for her first weight lifting competition where she is hoping to get her pro card, she is the owner of Black Iron Gym in NYC, oh and did I mention she is the owner of the ridiculously popular Doughnuts and Deadlifts?

What a life, and she’s only 27! #FeelingOld

Krissy specialized in athletic performance conditioning and athletic nutrition. She is the queen of macro nutrition and to have her on the show to help explain it all was quite the treat.


Okay, that’s out of the way. Let’s just jump right in.

Doughnuts And Deadlifts And Protein… OH MY!

Can’t listen in right now? I definitely encourage you to find the time to squeeze this podcast in. I won’t lie.. I am aware that some interviews go more smoothly than others. This was one of those smooth ones.

Here’s a bit of what we talked about. Clearly, there is no way I can cover everything but I’ll give the bullet points to help peak your curiosity. ;)

  • The stereo-type of protein supplementation and do women believe that it will “bulk” the body?
  • Basic macro-nutrient information: the break down of carbs/fats/protein. Which is the hardest for women to get enough of?
  • Is a carb a carb? Does it matter if you eat carbs from candy versus eating carbs from sweet potatoes?
  • The different types of whey proteins: what makes one better than another? Why do some whey proteins cause gas and bloating?
  • Vegan protein, is it better? What makes a good vegan protein and what do you need to know when shopping around?
  • Gnarly Protein… why are New Zealand cows important for whey protein? This was so interesting!
  • What should you add (or not add) to make the best shake for your training?
  • The importance of digestive enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics for a healthy diet and supplementation.
  • Why everyone should eat a doughnut or two from time to time! Lots of interesting doughnut chat!

Of course I then picked Krissy’s brain on her beloved doughnut… where is the best doughnut found? What motivated the lifestyle brand to form? And more.

Seriously, this was one of the most fun and interesting podcast I’ve done and I now you’ll love it!

And of course I want to know your thoughts. What did you find interesting?

Connect with Missy Mae

Thank you so much again Missy for finding a time in your schedule.

You guys, check her out! She just released her book which after I finish reading Eat Stop Eat (more on this later), I’ll be starting… Met[abolic] Con[ditioning]


Let me know…

What’s your favorite doughnut?

When I was a kid my grandfather would surprise us by stopping by our house on Saturday mornings with a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. I always loved the glazed donuts with chocolate icing. His favorite was a strawberry filled donut, so that will always have a special place in my heart/stomach too.


Stay tuned for tomorrow… Dan and I ran a Spartan Race on Sunday and I can’t wait to share!

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