09 January 2015 ~ 0 Comments

What I’m Loving Lately: Eat, Drink & Be Sweaty

By admin

Happy Friday friends! I hope you had a great week and an even better weekend planned.

My weekend is packed… a girls night of cooking lessons, a long run, a handstand clinic (can’t wait to share), cocktails with friends, and a few workouts to be filmed. It’s going to be busy but a blast.

I realized the other day that it’s been forever since I’ve done a “What I’m Loving Post”. And my list is piling up. I’m loving a lot right now.

Eat Well Embrace Life Veggie Hummus

eat well hummus

Eat Well Embrace Life company (What a great name) sent me several of their hummuses to try a few weeks ago and we’ve been all about them. “Normal” hummus is a staple in our home for everything from sandwich spread, dressings to soup thickeners.

These are not your normal hummuses.

With flavors like:

  • Black Bean
  • Zesty Sriracha Carrot
  • Spicy Yellow Lentil <– My favorite
  • Beet Hummus
  • Edamame Hummus With Roasted Red Peppers

There is a little something for everyone. Dan isn’t a fan of beets so it was nice to be able to claim something just for me. Normally, I am racing to get to something before it suddenly disappears.

Of all the flavors though, the Spicy Lentil was my favorite. It was so good! And I got a little fancy with it… I chopped up chicken and cooked it with peppers. Then I let it simmer in a sauce made of 2 tablespoon hummus and 1/2 cup light coconut milk.

Ahhh! Delicious served over some jasmine rice.

Victoria Valley Vineyards


Victoria Valley is the vineyards we visited while on our Christmas vacation and during the summer mountain excursion.

It’s local, it’s delicious and it’s wine.

When we first saw that South Carolina had a winery, we were a bit skeptical. How good could it be? Let’s just say we were very surprised and walked away with a bit more pep in our steps from a few too many sips of wine. Or perhaps that was just me since Dan was driving.

Either way, we love it. I am just disappointed we only leave with a bottle or two and not a case. Luckily, you can buy via phone and website.

This merlot is delicious. Very light and fruity. Just the way I like my merlot.

My Burberry Perfume

My Burberry

I used to wear perfume all the time and then some where along the way (I guess wearing fitness clothes 6 days a week) I stopped.

And I missed it. When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to spray me with her perfume every night before bed so that I would have sweet dreams. Even as an adult I would spritz myself just enough for bedtime with this in mind.

So when I received My Burberry for Christmas, I was pumped. It’s perfect for me: not overwhelming and I can even where it before heading to my gym to make me feel feminine and special. Yes, even with workout tights and a tank on.

It’s floral, and according to Burberry’s website, “captures the smell of a London garden after a rain.” I don’t know about that but it is pretty amazing.

Chapstick Night And Day


I am actually loving our cold temperatures right now. The crisp air, the chill, it’s refreshing. But my lips aren’t.

The Chapstick Night And Day was another Christmas gift (I love stockings) and I quickly became obsessed.

At first, I didn’t think anything of it. Cool, another chapstick. Then, one night before bed, I put some on. When I woke up the next morning I could still feel it on my lips! I even turned to Dan and commented. He thought I was weird.

I thought maybe it was a fluke and I just slept really hard and didn’t move all night, so I tried again. Yup, the next morning, I still had glossed lips.


The only difference between the night and day is that the day has SPF included and the night doesn’t. My lips love them both right now, not a sign of being chapped!

And finally…

Stadium Training


In just 3 weeks, we have our first race of the year. A 15 miler at Paris Mountain (in Greenville, SC).

With so many trail races and mountain climbs in our near future (more on that later), I wanted to step it up. So I asked Ashton if she would be up for a work break to run some stadiums with me.

Luckily, she’s always game for an insane workout.

Here’s what we did:

  1. Sprint Up
  2. Squat Jump Up <– Brutal
  3. Sprint Up
  4. Run Perimeter Of Football Field
  5. Burpee Up <– With a side Jump
  6. Sprint Up
  7. Hop Up (on smaller steps)
  8. Sprint Up
  9. Sprint Up

After the first 3 sets, I felt as if it was my first time working out. Lungs burned. Legs ached. Everything was tired.

We loved it and have decided to add stadium training into our workouts every Wednesday… of if anyone wants to join, let me know.

*As a side note, coming down was our rest.

These are just a few of that things I a loving at this moment. But I’ll stop here because I want to know…

What are you loving?

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