31 July 2015 ~ 0 Comments

What I’m Loving: We Have The BEST Mascot!

By admin

I’m loving the fact that it’s Friday!

Adios week, hola weekend!

One of my sorority sisters is coming to Charleston for an event, so I’m stoked to meet up with her this afternoon before she has to join her party. Susie and I haven’t seen each other since my wedding!

wedding with susie

5 years ago!? That’s insane. The above picture is me, Susie, Jessica and Layne. I miss those girls!

I’m also pumped to hit up the climbing wall.

Dan and I have decided to join a local climbing gym here (Coastal Climbing). We were paying for each individual visit, but realized it would be much more cost effective and would actually make us go more often if we joined up.


So we’ll kick things off this weekend! I’m so excited!!

Other than that, it’s a weekend of work and trip planning!

What’s on your agenda?

Things I’m Loving Friday

Here are a few new to me finds that I am loving and perhaps you might to!

Some were gifted from companies, others were things I bought with my own money. Okay, let’s do this.

Kodiak Protein Pancakes


I’ve never met a pancake I didn’t love. There is just something special about a fluffy delicious pancake or waffle on Sundays. And these did not disappoint.

Normally, taking the waffle maker out isn’t much of an option… but for some reason the desire for a syrup trough waffle hit hard this past weekend.

These Kodiak Pancakes hit the spot… high in protein, all natural and all you have to do is add water. Win.

I don’t eat pancakes every day since I’m cutting carbs, but having these for a treat once a week was just what I needed. Just wish they were gluten-free.

G.H Cretors Popcorn


Last week we held a Workout + Smoothie happy hour at our gym. It was a blast! Everyone worked so hard and then relaxed after a tough week with a cold smoothie and this popcorn.


Many of our clients are participating in our 6-week transformation challenge, so I wanted to give them snacks that weren’t high in calories or sugar. But something they could nibble on while chatting.

The GH Cretors was perfect!


It’s all natural with no artificial flavors or colors and gluten-free. Score. All the ladies loved it. I’m not a huge popcorn fan personally (I can take it or leave it), but I will say, it was delicious.

Ibex Balance Light Bra


With our trip not too far off, I’m getting together the last of what I need. That includes wool clothes. Wool is antibiotic and has incredible wicking abilities. But more important, it doesn’t smell.

Since we’ll be camping in tight quarters for 2 weeks, we thought this was a huge plus. Dan and I both bought wool leggings, shirts, underwear and socks. But it’s these Ibex bras that are really amazing.

I would not suggest the for busty ladies, but for fellow members of the IBTC, they are perfect!

They are so comfortable (not itchy!) and believe it or not, kind of sexy. They are just a bit see-through. So even though I’ll be a dirty mess in the middle of no where, I’ll still have a feminine touch!

30 Egg Recipes


I am so sick of my normal breakfast right now. 3 eggs cooked easy over sauteed veggies. I’m over it.

I need something new! So I was really excited to see Lindsay’s post yesterday on 30 egg recipes. Just what I need to spice things up. If I eat one more easy up egg, I might become one.

Thanks for reading my mind girl!

Our Mascot


A few weeks ago, I brought Zoe to the gym with me. I think it was because I took her to the vet or something and didn’t want to drive her back home.

Anyways, she did great! She loved being around everyone, cheering each person on (like above) and just followed me around all afternoon while I taught classes.

Since then, I’ve brought her a few more times to “test” the water. She’s done great every time and has now earned her spot as our mascot.

I’m often at the studio by myself until classes kick off, so it’s nice to have my old girl beside me!

My Husband


Yes, it’s super corny. I’m allowed to be from time to time.

But seriously, I’m not the easiest person to put up with and he deals with a lot. He is so important to this blog, FitWomensWeekly and ThisTimeFitness yet is often behind the scenes, comfortable having me in in the font.

But he does deserve credit for all his work! Love ya Dan!

What Are You Loving?

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