28 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

What Kind Of Results Can I Expect From A Trainer Or Boot Camp?

By admin

Let’s talk expectations today.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked by potential clients, “I want to drop “x” amount of weight, can I do that?”

There are a lot of pressures placed on trainers to deliver results.

Maybe you’ve signed up for a session with a trainer or registered for a new fitness class hoping that it would be the answer to jiggly thighs, an untoned stomach or fitting back into your “skinny clothes”.


Want to know a secret?

I hate weighing clients. Hate is a strong word, but it’s true. I really, really hate the scale.

This is the face I make on the inside when I have to do it…


I just happened to have them gem from a photoshoot we did not long ago. Cracks Dan and I both up!

Back to clients…

I know they want to track their progress, but I despise it. Because to me, and my staff, weigh-ins are our evaluations.

When the scale is out, I feel my chest tighten and my heart rate speed up.

With each foot placed on the bastard, I become a tad bit more anxious. When the number pops up, there is either a sigh of relief or a sigh of disappointment (unheard by my clients of course).

scale mad for the day

If it’s not what they want to see, I can feel each person’s frustrations and I take it like a personal blow.

Not all but some have a reaction, a look, that leads me to think to myself:

“You think this is MY fault. You think that MY workouts aren’t helping you.”

Before I really start my chat, let me preface this by saying if you’re a client of mine and reading this, it’s not directed to you. It’s not directed at anyone person, but to all of us women.

Yes, even me, who finds themselves every once in a while refusing to take responsibility. It’s human nature. It’s much easier to push the blame aside. Dan will tell you, I do sometimes!

What Can You Expect From A Trainer


Well, I can only speak in regards to my trainers and myself…

  1. You can expect one killer workout, balanced to train the entire body. Because my classes are kept on the small side compared to other boot camps, we’re able to modify workouts to tailor them to everyone’s levels.
  2. You can expect a 60 minute workout that combines several elements: cardio, strength, balance and mobility.
  3. You can expect to burn calories for the full 60 minutes.
  4. You can expect to get stronger and move more easily (inside out and outside of class).
  5. And finally, you can expect motivation, tips and support to help you make healthy choices the rest of the 23 hours you’re not with us.

Cool right?

But you can not expect your trainer to change your body.


That’s something you have to do for yourself. I know, trust me, I wish I had magical powers to simply wiggly the tip of my nose like Samantha and make each lady’s body her vision. But I can’t.

No one can.

For many of my amazing clients, I see them for 3 hours tops per week. That’s 3 hours out of 168 hours in a total week.

What You Need To Do 165 Hours

What you do for the rest of the week when not with your trainer is up to you. This is the hardest part because it’s easy to push away what you’re “supposed” to do for what you want to do.

trainer checklist

Trust me, I suffer the same hang ups. My workouts are stellar… those are easy.

It’s the time when I’m not working out that gives me trouble in delivering the results I want/expect…

  1. How is your nutrition? You can not workout a bad diet, or even a stagnant one. If you want to see your body change, your nutrition HAS TO CHANGE. If you’ve been eating “most healthy” for the past 6 months but nothing has budged on the scale… write your diet down and aim to remove sugar. Sugar, as I’ll share later next week, truly is the reason so many of us aren’t shaping up the way we want.
  2. Are you sleeping? Life is busy, but skipping sleep to finish a project or watch a new episode of Mad Men on Netflix isn’t going to help your cause. Hormones are affected, energy levels, and sugar cravings raise. Plus, results from workouts happen during rest. Allow your body to FULLY rest (aka sleep) to see maximum results. 7-8 hours, every day.*
  3. Are you holding yourself accountable? Are you fully aware that the results you see are 100% up to you. It’s easy to play the blame game because we all hate feeling guilty, but there is no room for that when it comes to your body. I can give you the best workout of your life, but what you do with it is up to you.
  4. Are you working too hard? Yes, I have clients that I know are working out TOO much. This puts stress on the body, affects insulin and cortisol levels and affects mood, metabolism and yes: results. Slow down, make sure to take time off. It’s hard sometimes, but a day of rest won’t kill you, it will help!
  5. Are you moving enough? It’s not enough to workout 3 hours a week. Getting MOVEMENT in every day is important. Walking around the office, getting fresh air, going for a jog or bike ride will help keep you healthy and burning calories in a light manner (so you’re not starving).

I want every single person who comes to me for help, whether it be in person or via this wonderful internet, to see results. And I don’t just mean that because it’s the way I make a living, but because I want every woman to realize that they’re capable of and feel that joy of hitting high goals.

So back to the original question…

What Kind Of Results Should You Expect?

That depends on you.

You’re in charge of the outcome, but coming to see me (or another trainer/studio/boot camp) is taking a huge step in the right direction on taking control!

Just remember, showing up and doing a workout is the easy part. It’s the time away that is hard but extremely important.

As I tell my beautiful ladies, I can teach you EVERYTHING I know, but it’s up to you to take that information and apply it to your own life. I can’t do it for you.

How often do you weight yourself?

I step on the SOB once a week. Though, next week I’m kicking off a new experiment :) Gotta love my experiments.

Whip Six Feed

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