11 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

What My Body Is Loving Right Now

By admin

*Some of this post is sponsored by MyVitamins and MyProtein. I received free product, of my choice, in return for this review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

Happy Friday! Any big plans for the weekend?

We’re heading up to Charlotte shortly for the Hot Top 10K Trail Race.


I loved this race last year and can’t wait to run it again, this time with Dan. It’s hard, very hard, but when it’s over, you feel like a rock star.

It’s also my first race as a 30 year old… moving to a new bracket. Can’t wait to see what that means!

I would love to stay in Charlotte for the whole weekend but unfortunately (or fortunately) we have other fun plans here in Charleston on Sunday with our boot camp.

It’s our annual boot camp field day!


Can’t wait to see the ladies compete (for fun) against one another.

Of course I’ll document both events and share them next week.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves talking about events that haven’t happened yet.

Let’s talk about the present.

More specifically, let’s talk about what my body is loving right now!

I’ve been experimenting a lot lately, as I feel my body still isn’t 100%. Fatigue is lingering off and on and I’m not sure if it’s from low iron or something else going on (thinking hydration is part of the issue).

So, many of the things below I’ve been using to help my body get the fuel and nutrients that it’s possibly lacking. Some items I purchased on my own, others I received in return for a review.

Things My Body Is Loving Right Now


You know I am not a big supplement taker, however at this point I feel I need any extra boost I can get. Luckily MyVitamins & MyProtein came to the rescue and asked if I would like to try a few of their products.

Since I was shopping around already, I accepted the gesture (and offered to write a review).

I stocked up on…


  • Iron
  • Fish Oil
  • Women’s Multi-Vitamin
  • Greens (I love these greens because they’re not flavored)
  • Vitamin E

Everything settled really well in my stomach.

I know that can often be an issue with supplements, the iron hasn’t made me constipated and the vitamins haven’t made me nauseous. Win!

I am still a fan however of Wiley’s Fish Oil over this one, as there were some fishy burps, nothing terrible, but just enough to tell a fish oil pill had been consumed.

I love the packaging, the resealable bags are so much better than bottles because they don’t take up a ton of room. I get so annoyed with bottles stack up.

I also received MyProtein… it was a great change and with 200 calories, it was great for Dan to help add some extra calories in his efforts to gain weight (muscle).


I found using just one scoop (100 calories) was plenty enough! The chocolate was delicious, and OMG, the pancakes this stuff could make… awesome.

Having A Half Marathon Plan.


It’s officially that time! Training time for my October half marathon.

In the past, I’ve created my own “go with the flow” plan. It’s worked but I am sure my performances haven’t been as good as if I had actually followed an organized plan.

Luckily my friend Amanda (at RunToTheFinish) was nice enough to create one for me, tailored to my goals and current fitness lifestyle.

I started it on Monday and am so thankful!

Now if I can just hit my 1.44 goal, I’ll be one very happy girl!

New Mizuno Ascends


That’s right… after a few months of running in Brooks, I am back in my Mizunos.

It was a tough decision, I loved the Brooks but I felt they wore out faster than they should. After all, my mileage is no where near what it was last year so they should have lasted longer than my previous shoes?

I also wanted something that was light but still perfect for trail running.

After lots of researching, I went with the Mizuno Ascends 8. So far, so good. And they were on sale! Bonus.

Which of course just meant that I was able to splurge on 2-day shipping. So I ended up paying the non-sale price.



I know it might sound strange, but I stink at getting enough H2O each day and with the Charleston heat (the index is around 110), it’s catching up to me.

I’ve had several less than sellar workouts lately which led me to sit down and go over what I am doing wrong and right.

My nutrition is good, my sleep is okay, my hydration sucks.

So water it is, and these Bai5 drinks when I need some flavor in my life. The coconut one is awesome! After a few days of really focusing on my water intake, I am already feeling better and more energized.

I’m an extremely heavy sweater, so 3 liters isn’t enough for me. My goal for the next week is a gallon a day.

Wish me luck!

Make sure to keep up with the “Battle Of The Couple Trail Race” by following me on Instagram. I’ll be sure to post up how Dan and I do. He’s pretty confident that he can beat me…

I say, those are fighting words and he’s going down! :) The couple that races together…. well, you know the rest.

Happy Friday Friends!

Tell me something fun you’re doing this weekend!

Whip Six Feed

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