06 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

What We’re Reading This Week

By admin

Veggies or Bust
Veggie lovers rejoice–boy do we have a recipe for you! Embrace the new fall bounty of root vegetables with this roasted vegetable recipe. The perfect side dish for a hearty meal on a crisp fall night. Via Via Relishing It

Makeup Your Mind
Going au natural can be a sexy look, right? Maybe not. New research shows that people perceive women wearing makeup as more competent, likable and attractive. But easy on the eyeliner – too much can come off as less trustworthy. Via ABC

Sweet Potato Spotlight
Sweet potatoes seem to be having a moment right now…and rightly so! These vegetables are nutritional all-stars–high in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber–and delicious. Hummus a favorite of yours? Throw in some sweet potatoes for a spin on the traditional chickpea staple.Via Whole Family Fare

Cool It
Picture someone freezing their eggs, and you probably don’t picture someone young with a lot of options on their plate. However, the trend of women freezing eggs for future use is on the rise and some are as young as 30! Is this empowering or kind of scary? Via CNN

The Green Pumpkin Monster
Now that it’s October, we’re having a hard time saying no to anything pumpkin–even this green smoothie! This blogger calls it a pumpkin pie green monster, and says, despite the color, it’s very pumpkin-pie filling like. Via A Full Measure of Happiness

Hydration Education
Gearing up for a marathon? Pay attention to how much H2O you guzzle down during the big race. Recent studies show that more than half of runners aren’t concerned about how much they hydrate. Just remember, only drink when thirsty. Via New York Times

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