08 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

When Do You Feel Beautiful?

By admin

Good morning!

Now, before you read any more, I want you to complete the following sentence:

I feel beautiful when ______________________________. 

Might sound like a strange question, but it is something I have been thinking about for days now.

You know I love Under Armour, I have been loyal to the brand for years now. As seen here, here and here.

Well, recently they launched their “What Is Beautiful” campaign in an effort to highlight women’s fitness/athletics and yield some inspiration to us all. And inspired I was.

what is beauty

While the idea is great, and I’ll be posting more on the actually competition later, I couldn’t help to obsess over what beauty means.

What makes us beautiful? What makes us feel beautiful?

When I was in high school, college and even in my early adult life I was concerned with what everyone else thought. Questions like:

Do they think I’m beautiful?

How can I compete with the models on magazines?

How did she get a body like that?

Do boys think I’m pretty?

From 15 – 25, life is filled with more insecurities than securities. Trying to look great for everyone else but never stopping to look in a mirror and accept the reflection looking back.

Women are hard on themselves, I think it’s part of our genetic make-up. And if it’s not, well, it sure seems like it. We spend too much time worrying, that we don’t get to enjoy what we have at any given moment.

These are the lessons that come with age. I feel, with 30 knocking on the door, that I am in a much better place in my life.

It’s no longer about comparing myself to actresses, models or even friends around me. I have a better understanding of my body and my heart. And that I feel only comes with age and wisdom.

Oh yes, I feel so wise. Okay, maybe not “wise” but there does come a time when a woman finally realizes that imperfections don’t take away beauty. Imperfections is what makes us beautiful.

So, I thought I would peel back a layer of onion and reveal what makes me feel beautiful.



Slipping into my favorite lace cami and panties for a relaxing movie night. And they happen to be from Target. The perfect combination of feminine comfort. 

I’m a hot sweaty mess after doing a ridiculously tough workout (which is what I look like right now).heels

Wearing a pair of training shoes all day long, then slipping into a pair of 4-inch heels for a cocktail date with Dan. 

I create a meal that not only taste great but looks pretty on a plate. It’s the artistic side of me and I always feel beautiful serving it up. 

Sporting an old pair of jeans and a tank top with my hair pinned up, a touch of bronzer on my cheeks and mascara on my lashes.

My husband walks up behind me and gives me a mini-shoulder rub just because. Then leans over and kisses my cheek.

cheek kisses

Running a race and I know I’m giving it my all. 


I’m teaching. I am in my element when I have a group of boot campers in front of me. It’s a confidence I never knew I could experience.

I celebrate a birthday. Each year is a blessing and I think I actually look better now then when I was 20. I welcome each year.

So those are just a few things that make me feel beautiful. I want to hear from you, what’s one thing that makes you feel beautiful?

Q: What’s 1 thing that makes you feel beautiful?  

Q: Do you feel sexier now than 10 years ago?

Whip Six Feed

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