23 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Who Are You To Be Successful And Fabulous?

By admin

Who are you not to be?


This is my favorite quote. It’s just a small part of a beautiful poem, but it’s the part that really hits home.

It speaks to me and probably 99.9% of everyone else.


But here’s the thing… if I’m not asked my favorite quote, I forget about it.

I forget about the message and the affect that reading these short 5 sentences has on my heart.

It’s amazing how much power words on paper (or a screen) can have on a person.

And it’s funny, even with all that power, how quickly we can forget about it.

Why Do You Fear Yourself?


I have this theory, would you like to hear it?

I didn’t come up with it all by myself and I am certain I am not the only one that believes it…

“We”, in the generic sense, aren’t afraid of failure. We’re afraid of what happens after we’re successful.

There are 2 types of fear…

1. The Fear Of Managing And Moving Forward From Success

We are afraid that once we are successful, we won’t be able to beat it or we won’t be able to manage that success.

We’re afraid of getting to the top of the roller coaster, only to have it plummet back down.

Ending up lower than where we originally started.

2. The Fear Of Being Disappointed With Success

Then there is the second type of fear.

Let’s look at the roller coaster again…this time the ride down is representative of success.

As we go up the roller coaster, we are excited, anticipating the drop.

We get to the top, take a deep breath, squeeze the handrails with all of our might waiting for that rush of excitement and adrenaline to come as we go over the hump and plummet down.

Only, that rush doesn’t come because the ride turns out to be slow, the steepness we expected isn’t even enough to make the 5 year old beside us yell out with excitement.

The ride was a let down…

We’re afraid of being let down.

You’re Powerful Beyond Measure


But here’s the secret that you should know, that I need to know…

You’re more powerful than you know, then you will ever give yourself credit for.

There is nothing different between you and the people that you label as “successful”.

My definition of success is different than yours and that’s fine. And that’s what makes success limitless. There is an infinite amount to go around.

And you have the power to do great things.

How do you tap into that power? By acknowledging your fears. Looking them in the face and saying,

“Yes, I am afraid of you, but that isn’t going to stop me.”

Success With Your Body


Every single day I hear beautiful, strong women tell me they want to lose weight, be healthy, feel their best and look their best.

Yet when I ask them what they’re doing to achieve it, they say nothing.

They’re afraid. It’s cool. I get it. I’ve been there, and I am actually just now in “the zone” where I’ve had enough.

What are they afraid of?


  • The fear of working hard, but not seeing results.
  • The fear of having to change their current habits (yes, this is nonnegotiable, it’s got to happen).
  • The fear that people will look at them differently.
  • The fear that the image of “being in shape” won’t match what they actually look like when in shape.
  • The fear that they will never be able to enjoy their favorite foods ever again.

The list can go on and on. But you get the picture.

It’s okay to have these fears. But we can not let them paralyze us and leave us in a state of limbo. Stuck where we are.
We can not let fear hold us back from becoming the best version of ourselves.

5 Things I’m Doing To Be The Best Version Of Myself

The perk of having a blog is that I get to share my own person journeys.

I hope you don’t mind.

Right now, I am facing several fears as I try to push my life forward: body… work… relationship… etc.

All areas of my life are changing, and while it’s exciting, it’s nerve wracking.

To help continue forward, here are a few things I’ve been up to.

  • Diary writing. For 15 minutes every day for the past month, I’ve been writing in a personal diary/journal. It’s been a great way to help get my thoughts and emotions out of my head. When they’re on the paper and not swimming around in my mind, I have more room to think about more positive things!
  • No alcohol. As a self proclaimed wino, this is hard. But I have made a 30-day challenge for myself… 30 days no alcohol to see how my body and fitness performances react. It’s only been 2 weeks, but so far so good.
  • Working less. To get more accomplished, I knew I needed to step back in certain areas of my life. I’ve been working on outsourcing more… right now I am teaching less classes so that I have more time to talk with you… and get more done to drive the business forward. It’s amazing what 2 extra hours a day can do!
  • Not sweating the small stuff. I have a tendency to get worked up over things I can’t control. It’s not healthy, it doesn’t help anything, and it makes me a bitter woman. I can be tough on others which is sometimes unfair. I was recently tested by a trainer, and Dan was amazed that I smiled, told her everything as okay, and didn’t let the issue phase me at all. He’s normally the one that handles things like that the best… but I’m working on it.
  • Reading the quote above. I’ve read the above quote every single day for a week now. It fills me with energy and gives me the confidence to know that I am strong… I am capable… and I have power. And so do you.

Let’s chat…

Are you a fan of roller coasters? What was the last one you went on?

I love roller coasters, but I hate waiting to get on them. If I have to stand in a long line, I will have an anxiety attack. Once I’m on and it’s going I’m fine. Dan wants to take me to Cedar Point in Ohio, I told him he better get the gold pass so we can cut lines, otherwise he might be riding by himself. Haha.

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