29 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Why I Am A Klutz: 5 Ways To Avoid Injuries From Exercise

By admin

First Things First

What a busy morning. I feel so off my schedule! Not because I haven’t been productive but because my routine is off track. Normally I teach boot camp, then blog, then tackle the business side of FWW and such. Except that today as soon as I got home Dan and I raced downtown to get some filming done before the sun was too intense (apparently, overcast, cloudy days are the best).

By the time filming wrapped up we were starvin’ Marvins. Being that we were downtown, I treated Dan to a Mediterranean cafe that I had recently passed by when running.

Tabbuli’s had a clean and cool atmosphere. They even had Hookah (no I didn’t try it), but it did look interesting. I enjoyed a cucumber and tomato salad while Dan chowed down on a gyro. Great surprise mini-date!

Simple, light and perfect for a hot day! We will definitely try it again, but at happy hour. The bar was very inviting with it’s fancy fountain and garden.

So that means I am just now getting to sit and talk with you!

Yup, I Am A Klutz

I thought this was oh so appropriate to tackle today because as I sit at my table and type I am reminded of my own stupidity yesterday.

Dan and I headed out to the park to film (yes, more filming) an epic olympic inspired workout for you. Let’s just say I was getting really into it, I thought I was freakin’ Lolo Jones.

Well, until I did a gorgeous hurdle, over an imaginary hurdle, and then realized as I was coming down in what seemed to be slow motion that my chest was too far forward and instead of landing gently on the ground, I ended up eating the ground. Yum, face planted right there, in the middle of the park.

Luckily no one was around, except for my oh too “worrisome” husband who I could hear laughing about 40 yards away. Even more lucky was that the camera wasn’t rolling… otherwise I am sure it would be a “fitness blooper” right now on Youtube.

I got my composure together, wiped the dirt off my knees and carried on. I was sore but I was able to finish what I had wanted to do (which you’ll see tomorrow!). It wasn’t until I got home that I realized I had messed up my back.

Ice, rest and heat later, I am pissed at myself for my carelessness. Today I am waddling around as if I am a 9 month pregnant person or a 100 year old woman (you choose).

old and pregnant

The act of simply getting up off the couch is a mini production in our house right now. But it’s more frustrating than painful. I do pretty good about sucking up the pain and doing what I need to do. What I am not good at is letting myself rest and recovery.

It seems too often that the injuries we get can be avoided if we just focus on what’s really going on.

A recent study at the University of Arkansas revealed that gym injuries have increased by at least 35% over the past few years. 90% of those should be avoided. Just follow these 5 rules so that you don’t end up like me. Walking like I’m an old woman isn’t my idea of fun.

  • What’s the worst fitness related injury you’ve gotten? 
  • What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done at the gym or during a workout?

5 Rules To Avoid Injuries From Working Out

1. Watch yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to working out or have been doing it for years, if given the choice, always do your exercises in front of a mirror. This way you can watch your form and make sure the move is executed properly.  Watch your knee positioning on moves, what your back (is it straight), is your head up? These little checks can make sure you’re not adding unnecessary strain! I always workout in front of a mirror!

Don’t have mirrors? No problem. Just find someone that does know the move to watch you and critique your reps (at least the first few times) so you can know what’s right and wrong.

2. Allow time for progressions. If you have never lifted a weight above 10 pounds, don’t go into a workout thinking you’ll be able to deadlift your weight. Start small and progress up. Starting with moves that are too heavy or too advanced is just asking for trouble. If you’re new to strength training there is no reason for any weights, body weight moves will work perfectly and will help you learn form so that you can move in a healthy direction.

3. Know the dos and don’ts. Wanting to try a brand new exercise? Make sure that you not only know what you should do, but also study the move so you know what not to do. Be aware of the dos and don’ts of an exercise will help you focus better.

Each time I go over exercises with clients, I always make it a point to show them what to look for and what they should be feeling during an exercise. If you’re not feeling a particular muscle group working then you’re most likely doing it wrong.

4. No need to rush. When you rush through reps to try and finish early it means that you’re putting form on the back burner. If you’re able to pump out your reps like it’s no thing then that’s a sign you need to add more weight. Remember, it’s called a “work”out for a reason. Slow down, concentrate and focus on your body.

5. Don’t go Lolo. Don’t get cocky and start playing around too much. Workouts should be fun, but trust me I had no right to get sloppy with my form all because I was in the olympic spirit of things. Lesson learned.

6. Avoid mid-workout chit chat. Unless you’re running/walking with a friend there is no need to talk in the middle of a workout. This is especially true when you’re in the middle of doing an intense exercise. If you’re chit chatting away that means you’re not concentrating on your breathing (very important for reps) and that you’re not focused on your form. Again, focus is key. Chat between sets but not doing.

Oh wait, I said 5 things right? Oh well, consider it a bonus! :)

Off to walk Zoe before teaching another boot camp!

Whip Six Feed

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