17 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

You Ask & I Promise To Answer

By admin

Today is a simple post because I want to make YOU the highlight of it.

finger pointing at you

My friend Lindsay did one similar not long ago and it has been something on my mind, so she inspired me to move forward!

You already know that I am an open book, but now I need you to be. I would love to know what’s on your mind. What questions do you have for me?

I’m asking for a few reasons:

A. I think it will be fun!B. I want to make sure I’m providing you with the posts you want. Answering whatever questions you may have and giving you (hopefully) a blog that you look forward to checking in with each day.

C. This blog would be nothing if not for you all, so of course I want to connect with you as much as possible.

D. I am always asking around for new blog topics, and perhaps your question will make an awesome post all by itself.

With that being said, I would love to read whatever questions you have regarding all things life, fitness, nutrition, personal… nothing is off limits.

Of course this doesn’t mean I’ll answer inappropriate questions, but perhaps something you think is inappropriate is absolutely relevant!

Like I mentioned above, if your question makes for a great blog post, I might highlight it for a post all on it’s own! I do know that I will do a Q&A style post to answer many of the questions. I am excited!

So here’s’ what to do…
  1. Write your question in the comments below.
  2. Feel like you want to be a bit more private? Shoot me an email at TaylorRyan0406@gmail.com feel free to leave out your name if you wish to remain anonymous.

Okay so let’s do this! I can’t wait to see what you guys have in mind! Get those questions in and I’ll work to get the answers up before the week is over!

Have a wonderful day!

What do you want to know?

Whip Six Feed

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