26 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

You Only Get Better By Doing: The Mastery Kettlebell Workout

By admin

I’ve had one of those weeks where everything just seems like so much work. I think it’s because I have a lot on my plate right now in terms of what I want to improve upon, that I can’t focus on any one thing to actually improve.

I really wish that you could get better at pull-ups by just staring at the pull-up bar. If that were the case, I would be amazing.

I really wish that you could become a better runner (hello 31 miles) by simply signing up for a race.


And I wish that I could become stronger and better with kettlebells by just chalking up my hands and picking them up.

Unfortunately, things don’t work like that.

If you want to get better you have to put the time and work in. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and no one is able to become a master of anything by pure desire alone.

The desire has to burn so deep that it leads you to take action. You’ll only get better if you actually do pull-ups, run distance, and swing/lift heavy kettlebells.

There are no if, ands, or buts. No matter how many excuses you try to make, there aren’t enough in the world if you want it bad enough.


My training dreams are big right now. There are lots of things that I have to work on. While normally, I am against this idea and a fan for focusing on just 1-2 goals at a time, I’m not able to do that with my current schedule.

What is that I HAVE to get better at?

  1. Pull-ups & Grip Work (For future hikes and climbing trips)
  2. Endurance (For that insane 50K I decided to do)
  3. Kettlebell Strength (RKC certification)

Just alone, each of these takes a plan and dedicated focus. But all together, you better believe a true schedule is in order. After all, with all the endurance training it’s possible to let it affect my kettlebell strength which just isn’t possible with RKC certifications coming up.

All 3 aren’t just things I want to get better at, but things I HAVE to get better at.

Balancing Training In 3 Directions

Luckily, I’m spending a lot of time this week fine tuning my plans for each.

My running week spans from Saturday – Friday, and so far I’m up to 19 miles for the week. Already that is more than I’ve been averaging weekly for months. And you know what? It feels great.

For my pull-ups & grip, we just installed a gorgeous grip bar in our home and I am loving it. It’s hard, it’s humbling and right now I’m starting with just 5 minutes of training each day. <— See no excuses!

And finally, kettlebells…

Dan asked the other day if I was losing my mojo with them. I quickly (and kinda bitchy) responded with a “NO!” I love them it is just intimidating getting all of my ducks in a row. But I haven’t neglected my kettlebells and have been pretty set on doing 2 kb focused workouts each week.

Want to know this weeks? Good, because I feel as if it’s been a really long time since I last shared a kettlebell workout with you!

The Mastery Kettlebell Workout

I call this the Mastery Workout because it truly includes all the moves I recommend everyone should become confident with when using kettlebells. If you can do all of these without hesitation then you’re amazing and ready to progress in weight and intensity.

Your goal is to complete the entire circuit as quickly as possible while trying to set the kettlebell down as little as possible. Oh, and try to use the same weight throughout the workout! If that means slowing down half way because it gets heavy, then put it down, shake everything out and get back to it!

kettlebell workout

Click for larger image

Ready to cover the moves?

KB Snatches

Need some extra help with your snatch? How To Do A Painless KB Snatch

KB Figure 8s

KB Lunges

Kick Squats

KB Clean & Press

Step 1:

Step 2:

KB Side Lunges

*This is performed 10 per side while holding the kettlebell in racked position.

KB Prisoner Squats & Press

*For rep counting, it’s 10 PER SIDE.

KB Single Swings

KB Flutter Kicks

KB Thrusters

KB Chest Press

KB Turkish Get-Ups

Part 1:

Part 2:

Need help or want a full breakdown of the getup? Step By Step Guide To Master The Get Up

Fun moves right? Remember, if you don’t have a kettlebell or you’re not quite there yet, no problem! Most of these moves can be done with body weight or with dumbbells! No Excuses!

If this amazing kid can workout than we really have nothing holding us back!



I told you mine… what are a few things you want to get better at?

Whip Six Feed

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