10 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Your Invited To ‘The 12 Days Of Kettlebells’ Challenge

By admin

Did you see the awesome “12 Days Of Kettlebells Workout” I did for my friend Christine at LoveLifeSurf? Make sure to check it out!

Today’s post might have a very similar name, but I assure you, it’s nothing like that workout. In fact, it’s not really a workout at all…

You see, I love a challenge.

I love a challenge that has a start date and and end date. That way I can tell myself it’s only for x-amount of days, I can do this.

And I love the holidays.

So why not combine my two loves and create a holiday inspired challenge? So I did, and I really want you to partake in the festivities too!

The 12 Days Of Kettlebells


Beginning TODAY (Dec. 10th) and running every day for the next 12 days, I’m inviting you to participate in my 12 Days Of Kettlebells.

Each day, I’ll be sharing a brand new mini-workout (kettlebells of course) on Instagram.

Each challenge will range in length but none will go over 10 minutes. These are just 12 fun challenges to help push us to move a little bit during the time of year when we really don’t want to but really NEED to.

Why am I doing this?

Because so many of you have expressed both interest and intimidation for kettlebells. This is a great way to help ease into them and begin to feel a bit more confident. A 5-10 minute workout is perfect practice to work up to more advanced and longer workouts.

Because today kicks off Day 1, I’ll share it here, but from here on out make sure to follow along on Instagram as that’s where it will be every day!

Don’t follow me yet? It’s easy to do, my name @FitnessTaylor.

Yes, I am aware that technically the 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas, but with Dan and I are leaving for a little Christmas Getaway on the 23rd, it makes perfect sense to do it from the 10th to the 22nd. Gives that little burst of fitness right before the chaos of Christmas.

My only question then to you is…

Are you in?

Don’t worry, even though these are kettlebell exercises, most of them can be modified to use dumbbells and often times even a barbell. There is no excuse.

On The First Day…


Oh the first day of kettlebells, my trainer gave to me:

1 Kettlebell Clean
1 Kettlebell Squat (in racked position)
1 Standing Press
1 Reverse Lunges

This is all performed on the same side and is considered 1 round. Your goal… complete 5-10 rounds PER SIDE.

Let’s quickly take a look at how it all looks together.

The Moves

To get started, let’s quickly check out each individual move. Then it’s on!


Racked Squat


Reverse Lunge

Good luck! Time to go do Day 1!

Whip Six Feed

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